Sunday, August 1, 2010

Hèctor Ulises Passerella, born in Florida (Uruguay) in 1955, is considered one of the most famous “bandoneón” players, as well as one of the most inte

Hèctor Ulises Passerella, born in Florida (Uruguay) in 1955, is considered one of the most famous “bandoneón” players, as well as one of the most interesting composers and interpreters of modern tango. His characteristic sound and the particular expression of his phrasing made him gain the admiration of public and of important musicians like L. Bacalov, Myung-Whun Chung, Ionesco Galati and many others, placing him among the most relevant representatives of this kind of music.His long experience in playing tango and his training in classical music, grant him a very important artistical completeness. He deserves the praise, after Alejandro Barletta, to make Europe know the extraordinary technical and expressive possibilities of bandoneón, playing several works of the baroque and contemporary repertory, either alone or with orchestra, for important associations and tradition theatres.When he was 11 years old he begins to play in the important typical orchestra of his first maestro Oscar Raul Pacheco, and when 12 he devotes himself to teach how to play bandoneón, consituting later on the “Trio Tango de Avanzada” together with Ricardo Leòn (piano) and Cono Castro (bass).Under the guidance of maestro Renè Marino Rivero he dedicates himself to study the particular technique necessary to play properly with open or closed bellows, and soon he distinguishes himself in Montevideo, winning all the musical contests he attended. He plays works of the baroque and contemporary repertory during the most important symphony and chamber concert seasons in the capital town and since 1975 he was acclaimed by all the Uruguayan critics as one of the greatest talents of the country.A decisive moment in his career and artistic training is when he meets maestro Guido Santorsola, marvellous composer, viola player and conductor. He studies with him composition and orchestra conduction; then he analyses the works of important composers of the past in order to play them with the most precision possible in bandoneón style. Hence it follows the great admiration and interest for his concerts both by taudience and critics.However, since 1970 Passarella feels drawn to the music and playing innovations brought by Astor Piazzolla in tango, thus making the first attempts in this kind of music.In 1980, after winning the prize “O. Respighi”, he comes to Italy where he attends a composing course at the Academy of Music Rossini in Pesaro. He approaches different techniques of the so-called “new music”, but soon he begins a personal musical search with some pieces called “Piezas Rioplatenses”, thus emphasizing that tango is also part of the Uruguayan tradition. In some of his pieces like “Fugatango”, “Preludio y Milonga”, “Pieza Rioplatense 1 y 2”, “Montevideo diversa”, “Guentango”, “Suite Rioplatense”, and others, Passarella mixes the tango-music tradition with the innovations of the “cultured”music of the Europe of the 20th century. A similar mix could be found in his arrangements of pieces of the tango tradition like “El Choclo”, “La Cumparsita”, “El dìa que me quieras” and others, so that they gain an extraordinary expression, close to modern sensitiveness.From that moment on he constitutes several groups, with particular attention to quintet and octet, becoming a landmark of this kind of music.Intensely collaborating with the Commune of Forlimpopoli, he constitutes and conducts with great success the Symphony Orchestra “Delle Romagne – Città di Forlimpopoli”, then managins the School of Folk Music and undertakes the artistic management of the 9th edition of the Festival of Folk Music – Tango: sentiment of missing”.Passarella collaborated with L. Bacalov, both interpreting many sound tracks written by the maestro like the very famous “Il Postino” (Usa Oscar, 1996), “Frontera Sur” (with Federico Luppi), “Milonga” (featuring Giancarlo Giannini), “La Deuda”, “Lettera d’amore (The love letter)”, (featuring Kate Caprhawy and Tom Sellek) and “Assassination Tango” (feat. Robert Duvall). In the cds: “Tango and around”, ”Io,Domenico Modugno “, “ Premio Rota 1996" (live) ,“Nei tuoi occhi (In your eyes” (feat. At the voices actors such as Arnoldo Foà, Paola Gassman, Monica Guerritore, and others; and, in the American version Robert De Niro, Madonna ,Dustin Hoffman and others. Passarella and Bacalov played together several concerts in the most important international concert seasons. Not less important the fact that for 5 years Passarella played with Bacalov quartet, together with Giovanni Tommaso and Daniel Bacalov.As soloist he played with and conducted different Symphony Orchestras both in Europe and in America: the “Solis” Theatre orchestra of Montevideo (1976), the Municipal Symphony Orchestra (Concert for bandoneòn y orchestra by R.M. Rivero); the “A. Toscanini Orchestra” of Parma (Concerto n. 1 in G minor by F. Handel; Concerto in F minor by Bach; Concerto for bandoneón, piano, string orchestra and percussions by G. Santorsola (first performance in Italy), to which Passarella is particularly affectionated because of its novelty and originality. Moreover “The London Chamber Orchestra” (Misa Tango by Bacalov); the Istanbul Symphony Orchestra (Concerto for bandoneón and orchestra by A. Piazzolla).To be mentioned the rousing successful performances at the Theatre Sistina (Rome 2001), as soloist of the “Roma Sinfonietta” orchestra, and in Munich, soloist of the Padova and Veneto orchestra (the program included music by Passarella, Piazzolla and Lamarque Pons). In the same year he goes in a intense and triumphant regional tournée with the Haydn Orchestra of Bolzano and Trento, as soloist and conductor, with his own music. Critics and audience described as extraordinary Passarella’s interpretation of the “Misa Tango” that he played as solist together with the Santa Cecilia Orchestra, conducted by maestro Myung-Whung Chung, who lately recorded for Deutsche Grammophon. This version, which has Placido Domingo as one of the protagonists, is constantly broadcast by the most important National Radios and nominated at the USA Grammy Awards in 2001.Many of his concerts are frequently broadcast in Europe and America (RAI, BBC, SODRE, National Radio of Bucarest, Radio and Television in Bogotà, Television of Istanbul, National Radio of Cordoba, and so on).Teaching and essays: After many experiences in teaching, Passarella wrote an Analysis of Sonatas for piano by Beethoven; then, in order to divulge bandoneón especially among the youngsters, he wrote the book titled “The instrument of bandoneón: know it and play it”.He is constantly invited to hold specialization courses and stages on tango interpretation, and courses on probing the tecnique of bandoneón. It is particularly meaningful the International Course of Lanciano (Chieti), held in July 2004 for the “F.Fenaroli” Association, concludind, as always in his courses, with a student concert.The latest tournées2000: This year saw the sensational tournée with his Quintet in Uruguay, promoted by the administration of Florida and Montevideo. In these two cities, and in Punta del Este, too, the concerts achieved the best artistic appreciations and the unanimous agreement by the national critic. The “A. Piazzola” Association in Montevideo invites him to hold “a conversation with the audience” on various issues regarding rioplatense music. He then plays again in Bucarest as soloist of the National Radio Symphony Orhcestra, and more times in Turkey with the Symphony Orchestra of Ankara, Bilkent, Istanbul. In the same year he goes back to Uruguay , this time as soloist with the prestigious Prague Chamber Orchestra, presenting his latest compositions (bandoneòn and orchestra), such as “Il bandoneòn y sus calles” and “Desolaciòn”. The Association “Gardeleando” in Punta del Este- Maldonado asks him to attend the Ballet based on his music (taken from different cds), dedicated to him with the title “Ballet Tribute to maestro Passarella”.He plays in Athens, soloist of the State Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Leo Brouwer.He participates in duo with Luis Bacalov at the Festival of Todi. He is invited as guest of honor at the Piano Contest “Sanremo Classico” and plays at Rai 1 TV as soloist of the Sanremo Symphony Orchestra.2003: Presenting a program mostly constituted by his compositions, he conducts the Instanbul Radio Symphony Orchestra, with the participation of his Quintet. He then plays (soloist) with the Symphony Orchestra of Bursa (Turkey), and goes back to Athens to play another time with the Athens State Symphony Orchestra.Among the several concerts held in Italy, Spain and Slovenia, he travels with his Quintet to Israel, to present a concert promoted by the Embassy of Uruguay and the Italian Culture Institute; he plays with the Orchestra “Pomeriggi musicali” in Milan. With Bacalov he is at the Taormina Cinema Festival, playing, with the participation of Robert Duvall as dancer, the lead theme from his movie “Assassination Tango”. At the and of 2003 he records his latest cd “Màs allà Del Tango”, a production rich of material, including interpretations in Quintet, Quintet and Orchestra, Bandoneòn and Orchestra, of many of his pieces, along with other personally arranged pieces by Piazzolla, Matos Rodriguez and Bondi. 2004: Taking part to several festivals in Italy, he intensifies the concerts in Quintet and Octet, for which he writes “Robertango”, and “Milonga para Danubio”. Worth of praise is the concert in Rome, in Quintet, promoted by the Latin American Institute in occasion of the “Days of Italian Cooperation”, as well as the concert of his Octet in Macerata (where Passarella now lives) for Worldwidemusic.He writes for Chorus and Quintet some of his arrangements of traditional pieces from the rioplatense repertory and composes “Un altro Porto”, performing these music with Chorale “Bonagiunta from San Ginesio”, in the homonymous town. He writes “musical backgrounds” to J.L.Borges’ poetry, F.Silva Valdès, M. Ricucci and others.In a short journey to Uruguay, the national Tango Academy, along with “Joventango” of Montevideo, ask him to present his latest cd. The Academy grants him the role of “Asociado Correspondiente”.Again in Turkey, he plays as soloist with the Symphony Orchestra of Antalya, conducted by Yalcin Adiguzel.2005: Presenting his music and some Piazzolla’s pieces, he plays one more time with the Prague Chamber Orchestra, this time in the renowned “Rudolphinum Hall” of Prague. With the extraordinary Chamber Soloists of Salzburg and the conduction of Lavard Skou-Larsen, he plays in a successful tournée in Germany and Luxemburg, presenting his Suite Rioplatense, the Piazzolla’s concert, and pieces by C. Gardel and L. Bacalov.Nowadays he is writing several new compositions and particularly a long work which will include dance and poetry.Shortly he will take on tournée in Italy, Austria, Germany, Turkey and Spain.



01 - La cumparsita.mp3
02 - Decarissimo.mp3
03 - Tango para milonga.mp3
04 - Madreselva.mp3
05 - Il Postino.mp3
06 - Libertango.mp3


Vi racconto il tango
28 Maggio 2010
FESTIVAL TANGO Y MAS…Festival Internazionale di musica, danza e poesia rioplatense ed oltre …Quarta EdizioneDal 31 luglio al 14 agosto 2010San Ginesio (MC)
Porto Recanati - Tolentino - Belforte – Pioraco – Norcia - Sarnano
Con il patrocinio di:

Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali
Regione Marche
Provincia di Macerata
Comunità Montana dei Monti Azzurri
Comune di San Ginesio
Ambasciata dell’Uruguay a Roma
Accademia del Tango di Montevideo
Associazione Rurale del Turismo dell’Uruguay
Centro del Bandoneòn di Roma
Ministerio de Educaciòn y Cultura dell’Uruguay
Ministerio del Turismo dell’Uruguay
Istituto Italo Latino Americano
Consiglio dei Marchigiani all’Estero

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Catalogato in Senza categoria ·Tag: ancona, argentina, arte, bandoneon, belforte, corso bandoneòn, corso di bandoneon, corso di tango, festival del folclore, festival tango, festival tango y mas, flamengo, Héctor Ulises Passarella, il postino, imparare il tango, macerata, magnifico bandoneón, massimo troisi, pioraco, regione marche, roberto passarella, san ginesio, sarnano, scuola di bandoneon, scuola di tango, scuola tango, tango, tolentino, ulises passarella,,, Y MAS

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